Oil Lubricated Air Compressors
The L Series is one of the most reliable and cost-effective ranges of rotary screw compressors in the industry. These high-quality oil lubricated compressors are ideal for use in industrial applications such as manufacturing, aerospace and automotive, electronic, food and beverage, or medical and pharmaceutical. The range incorporates both fixed and regulated speed (RS) models (also known as variable speed), from 2.2kW to 250kW, and can be sized depending on the output required.
They are highly regarded for their energy efficiency, with the regulated speed models offering the ability to precisely match power consumption with the varying air demand found in most plant air systems, achieving energy savings of up to 25%. If your application has a constant demand, a fixed-speed compressor may offer you better results and are extremely energy efficient when operating at 100%. Both can deliver significant cost savings for your business.