Why use a Smoke Evacuation unit?
The dangers of smoke plume generated during laser and electrosurgery have been well documented. The primary risk of surgical smoke plume is inhalation, as surgical smoke poses significant risk as a respiratory tract irritant, but there are many other risks which we detail below.
Although there are currently no official regulations regarding the management of the smoke plume, it is strongly recommended that smoke evacuation units be used to protect both patient and health care staff from the potential hazards. In the UK, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have called for obligatory smoke evacuation systems to be supplied with medical lasers.
Walker Filtration recognised a requirement within the medical sector for effective smoke evacuation and developed the Laservac™ product range. Filtration is achieved in three stages – by air passing through a pre-filter and a two stage, high efficiency filter combining ULPA grade media and activated carbon. The combined effectiveness of the total filtration package provides an efficiency of >99.9999% at 0.01 micron. Complete environment conditioning is achieved through the Laservac filtration systems, making laser and electrosurgical procedures safe and hygienic.